GTO Postflop Video Course

In this 14 hour series of 29 videos we use GTO+, the only publicly available solver for 6+ holdem. My goals when using a solver is not only to find the GTO solution, but also to see where people are likely to deviate and how I could exploit such tendencies. Most people do not know how to use a solver, and coming from one of the most solved formats (spin and go’s and HU SNG), I have a vast array of knowledge with solvers that I brought to my study in short deck. If you want to learn how to properly use a solver in short deck this series of videos is essential in my opinion. After watching these videos, you will be equipped with the power to properly use a solver in order to improve your own game. If you have access to a solver and know how to use it properly, there should not be any need to ever spend anymore money in coaching to be honest.

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Part 1BTN vs CO 3max 100a OR pot GTO analysis J96cc45 min
Getting a full understanding of how GTO plays J96cc in an Open Raised pot.  Mostly a Flop analysis with a couple of turn analysis at the end.
Part 2BTN vs CO 3max K69r 100a limped pot44 min

First part is fully reviewing the interesting hand in how often we should CB on K96r in a limped pot. And in position how should we continue our range? We continue with the hand example on the interesting turn and river. We also look at good hands to floatbet in position vs a check on the flop getting a full overview of Flop strategy..

We finish with some nodelocking on the flop to see how to play against somebody who may be cbetting too frequently on the flop.

Part 3BTN vs HJ 4max 100a ISN pot vs fish J76r *Watch for Free* 45 min
In a spot where folding our hand would be a massive mistake against GTO, can we find a fold when playing vs somebody who is clearly ISOing much too linearly and not bluffing enough on Flops?
Part 4CO vs BTN ISN J87ss42 min
An analysis of how to play low straight possible board from OOP in an ISO pot. Should we have a donking range and what does it look like as well as looking at turn ranges and if we can overbet shove on an Ax.
Part 5CO vs MP 100a 3max ISN pot GTO Flop analysis A97cc22 min
When we ISO from CO vs a MP limp and the Flop comes A97cc. How should our CB range be constructed? Should we just use one sizing with almost our entire range? Do we want to split sizings and have a checking back range?
Part 6HJ vs BTN ISN 100a K87ss24 min
On K87ss in an ISO pot against a player who is ISOing with a merged and strong range, should IP CB have an overbetting range? And if he does do that, what should be OOP calling range vs such a huge overbet?
Part 7CO vs HJ ISN pot 100a T97ss40 min
When we Isolate from CO vs HJ and get called, how do we play on T97ss. What if the villain does not have much of a donking range or does not donk enough, how does our CB range change?
Part 8HU AK6r 100a ISN pot30 min

In a heads up pot where ranges are wide for a bloated ISO pot, how should our CB range be constructed on this board that our range dominates. And why do we want to have such a large frequency of checkbacks?

We also look at some turn spots after the Flop checks through to see how both players should play in this unintuitive spot.

Part 9HU KJ9hh 100a ISN pot28 min

In HU ISO pot, what should the full Flop strategy look like on KJ9hh? Why should OOP donk a large range, why should our CB strategy be with a lot of blockbetting. OTT after the Flop checks through, we talk about why OOP played his hand well with an overbet and why exploitably folding our overpair was fine.

Finally we nodelock to where the villain does not have enough of a donking range.

Part 10J8Qdd HU limped pot Flop GTO analysis41 min
On QJ8dd in a HU limped pot. What should the full Flop strategy look like? Which would be the best Flop sizings to use? What are the best types of hand combinations to be betting or checking with and why?
Part 11K6Ass HU ISN GTO Flop analysis and Turn approaches26 min
Comparing how to play on different Axx boards in different situations and then doing a full GTO Flop analysis AK6ss in a HU pot.
Part 12987cc HU GTO and exploit Flop analysis41 min
Full GTO Flop analysis of 987cc by GTO and talking of some small deviations we could make for soft exploits.
Part 13J6Thh HU OR Flop analysis GTO45 min
Why JT6hh can benefit from having 2 sizings OTF in an open raised pot situation. Then looking at the full GTO strategy when playing vs someone using both strategies of only one sizing vs 2 sizings.
Part 146max BTN vs CO ISN vs 3 Q77r deep vs 100a analysis11 min
Quick analysis on how to play on Q77r in an ISO pot and why despite the Isolator not having many 7x’s, we still cannot attack his range even if he has a 100% range CB strategy.
Part 156max BTN vs CO ISN TJ8r Flop GTO analysis14 min
In a 6max ISN pot where the ISOer has a very strong range and the caller OOP has a wider range, on TJ8r, what should be the full GTO strategy?
Part 166max BTN vs CO call IP vs ISN Q9Jss18 min
As the Coldcaller OTB vs an ISO, what should the full Flop strategy look like on Q9Jss?
Part 176max JThh on QJ8ss in flat vs ISN pot HJ vs CO vs overbet shove by IP9 min
Vs somebody who coldcalls IP vs my ISO, how should the Flop strategy be constructed for both IP and OOP. Why should the IP player never overbet in these spots?
Part 186max How to play overpairs on Q98ss vs fish in ISN pot IP8 min
A quick video on how to exploitatively play overpairs vs recreational players on wet Flops in position in ISO pots.
Part 193max 2p vs XR OTT on KJ8r limped pot BTN vs CO18 min
A video focused on Turn play. Which combos to select to barrel for bluffs and value OOP? And what combos to select to floatbet OTT after calling a Flop CB IP?
Part 203max Overpair OOP on drawy T67r board in OR pot CO vs BTN14 min
How to play an overpair OOP in an OR pot on T67r? Should we have a betting range OOP and what should our XR range be composed of?
Part 21HU QT6ss OR pot GTO Flop analysis28 min
In a HU pot in an OR pot, let us take a deep dive into the Full GTO solution of QT6ss. And why having 2 sizings OTF is the best strategy for the OOP player.
Part 223max MP OR vs HJ call 87Kcc more checking should be done!28 min
Analyzing a spot where MP OR and we called. Why should both players be playing more passively on this board structure of K78cc in general?
Part 236max 100a A87r HJ vs BTN limped pot Overall GTO strategy on Flops and turns and exploits36 min

In a limped pot on A87r, we look at why the OOP limper should not have a high CB frequency.

Then we look at the full Flop strategy and some exploits that can be made on Flops and Turns.

Part 246max KQ7sss ISN pot MP vs HJ monotone Flop play IP and OOP24 min
We look at how monotone Flops should be played and why on the Flop the sizing that makes the most sense for both players is a block bet. Then we look at what combos of hands we can use to raise vs a CB and how to play turns when the 4 to flush completes.
Part 256max MP vs UTG ISN pot 150a on A86r 75% how to construct ranges on Flop and turns17 min
In an ISO pot. How should the entire range be played in an ISO pot on A86r and on some turns.
Part 266max CO vs HJ OR T96cc Flop and turn strategies and river bluff catching vs a donk27 min
In an OR pot on T96cc we take a full look at the Flop strategy as well as an interesting turn. We try to create a solid Flop strategy. What are the best sizings to use with which holdings?
Part 276max HJ limped pot vs BTN Q6Jhh bluffraising Flops IP and bluffcatching OOP21 min
In a HJ vs BTN limped pot. We decided to bluff off, was it a good bluff or was it spazz? How can we properly construct bluffing and bluff catching ranges here?
Part 286max CO vs EP ISN why AJTcc needs to be played aggressively by both players!25 min
In an ISN pot on AJTcc, why does the population tend to play passively in general on this Flop structure?
Part 296max BTN CvISN vs CO AQ9cc14 min
In an ISN pot, we look at an interesting hand and how it should be played on both Flops and Turns. What combinations of hands make for good slowplays, and which ones do not?